Explore a cross-section of Canadian contemporary sculpture practice in "Mémoire matérielle’’

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Mémoire matérielle, Vue d'exposition
Brendan Lee Satish Tang, "Manga Ormolu Version 4.0aa", 2023, Gallery Jones
Brendan Lee Satish Tang, "Manga Ormolu Version 4.0aa", 2023, Gallery Jones
Rhonda Weppler & Trevor Mahovsky, "The Known Universe", 2017, Susan Hobbs
Rhonda Weppler & Trevor Mahovsky, "The Known Universe", 2017, Susan Hobbs
Melanie Colosimo, "When is a fence a ladder?", 2021-22, The Blue Building Gallery
Melanie Colosimo, "When is a fence a ladder?", 2021-22, The Blue Building Gallery
Shary Boyle, "Red Rope", 2019, Patel Brown, Photo ©John Jones
Shary Boyle, "Red Rope", 2019, Patel Brown, Photo ©John Jones
Alexandra Levasseur, "Prouesses génétiques", 2023, Galerie C.O.A.
Alexandra Levasseur, "Prouesses génétiques", 2023, Galerie C.O.A.
Dominic Papillion, "Humeur acéphale", 2018, Galerie Bellemare - Lambert
Dominic Papillion, "Humeur acéphale", 2018, Galerie Bellemare - Lambert
Chun Hua Catherine Dong, "Out of the Blue", Patrick Mikhail
Chun Hua Catherine Dong, "Out of the Blue", Patrick Mikhail
Manuel Mathieu, "La boule blanche", 2022, Galerie Hugues Charbonneau
Manuel Mathieu, "La boule blanche", 2022, Galerie Hugues Charbonneau
Sameer Farooq, "Pouf, Sausage, Weight, Arc (Poufs and Sausages)", 2017, Nicolas Robert
Sameer Farooq, "Pouf, Sausage, Weight, Arc (Poufs and Sausages)", 2017, Nicolas Robert
Lindsay Montgomery, "Blix Goblin Vase", 2021, Patel Brown, Photo ©John Jones
Lindsay Montgomery, "Blix Goblin Vase", 2021, Patel Brown, Photo ©John Jones
Marie-Ève Frechette, "C.E.8 - Corps étranger", Galerie C.O.A.
Marie-Ève Frechette, "C.E.8 - Corps étranger", Galerie C.O.A.
Nico Williams, "Ancestry DNA Bag", Blouin Division
Nico Williams, "Ancestry DNA Bag", Blouin Division